Your complete theory


Benita Abigail Aguirre

Regine Pellicer

English 1301

9 September 2023

Your complete theory

    Writing has always fascinated me in the way that it lets your innermost thoughts come to light. Although it can be a pain when starting a topic or essay, writing essentially requires a set structure and rules when it comes to it. The proposed purpose is to argue that writing is structural and this allows writers to navigate their thoughts. Knowing how to write can impact many aspects in your life as you can reach out to many due to clearness and structure.
    Over the many spans of decades, writing has become an essential tool and necessity in the development of education and language and the many other factors it has on one's life. One may think that there are set rules in order to achieve good writing, but it depends on who is asked. Writing does have a set structure in order to help the reader understand the text better and be able to identify important messages. Some people may argue with structure and rules set in place while others may agree it depends on the quality. How exactly does writing differ from writing in middle school, high school, and college? The writing process comes completely different to everyone but includes these main steps everyone mostly follows which is brainstorming, rough drafting, redrafting and revising, and finally editing and proofreading. Throughout all of my years of being a student, these steps of how writing works have been taught repeatedly and hardly anyone is shy from these steps. If anyone were to ask mostly any student about how to set up an essay and how it would work, the steps outlined above would be mentioned to any academic advisor. Writing requires grammar rules, punctuation, and many other conventions that help make a text be clear, understood, and direct. These set rules help arguments or topics to be strong.
    This theory helps anyone who is a student struggling in writing. They should care about this due to writing having a structure set in order to achieve clearer thoughts and direct arguments depending on what the topic is. The more a student understands the language and art of writing, the easier it is for oneself as a student to achieve their goal of their essay.

Works cited

General Format - Purdue OWL® - Purdue University

MLA Formatting and Style Guide.” The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 2019.


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